Thursday, June 20, 2013

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Management.Automation, Version= running the BizTalk 2013 Power Shell Provider

Trying out the brand new BizTalk 2013 Power Shell Provider ( I got this error:
Add-PSSnapin : Could not load file or assembly 'System.Management.Automation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

This happened after installing version (the updated Power Shell Provider for BizTalk Server 2013) on top of version on a Windows 2008 R2 server.
I bit of Goggling suggested that I installed the Windows Management Framework 3.0 ( which I did and now everything works again.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.PermissionException in BizTalk 2013

Testing our automatic BizTalk application installer framework today against a newly installed BizTalk 2013 group failed. I  was getting the exception:

Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.PermissionException: Error in the application

Running the BizTalk Server Administration Console using the same (service)account as for my failing installer I got this similar error:

Failed to load Group […BizTalkMgmtDb] data providers. (Microsoft.BizTalk.Administration.SnapIn)

Connecting to ExplorerOM failed. (Microsoft.BizTalk.SnapIn.Framework)
Error in the application. (Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM)


Running SQL Profiler I found this User Error Message:

The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'bts_dynamic_sendport_handlers', database '…, schema 'dbo'.

Granting these permissions (inspired by other working installations) on the table 'bts_dynamic_sendport_handlers' fixed the problem:



GRANT SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE ON [dbo].[bts_dynamic_sendport_handlers] TO [BTS_ADMIN_USERS]

GRANT SELECT ON [dbo].[bts_dynamic_sendport_handlers] TO [BTS_OPERATORS]

GRANT SELECT ON [dbo].[bts_dynamic_sendport_handlers] TO [BTS_HOST_USERS]

Apparently this is well known (but not easily Googled):
In my case, I had deleted all databases of a previous BizTalk 2010 installation, but still I got this problem, which in the first reference above is described as an upgrade related issue.